Each syringe is wrapped in a sterile package and then jumblepacked in a large corrugated carton . 每一个注射器包在一个无菌包裹里,然后混杂装入一个很大的皱纸箱里。
I brought in a carton of tomato paste, slashed it open, and stacked the charming slender little cans on their depleted shelf . 我拿进一纸箱西红柿酱,把它打开,在已经卖空了的货架上摆上这些漂亮秀气的小罐头。
With increase in smoking, these were considered much safer than the old type of basket made of cane or straw, because there was less likelihood of fire . 因为吸烟人数日益增多,用钢制纸箱要比用藤条或麦秆编织的老式废纸篓安全得多,不易酿成火灾。
We will use metal straps to reinforce the outside 我们会在纸箱外用金属带加固。