

  • common mode interference


        纵向:    direction; machine direction ...
        干扰:    disturb; obstruct; jam; back ...
        倒向干扰:    retroactive interference
        横向干扰:    transverse interference
        纬向干扰:    diatropic interference
        轴向干扰:    axial interference
        侧向干扰运动:    lateral response
        垂向干扰试井:    vertical interference test
        横向干扰构造:    intervening transverse tectonics
        轴向干扰因数:    axial interference factor
        向干扰台自导引:    jamming homing
        定向干扰自动发射机:    rottor
        向干扰源自导引工作状态:    home-on-jam mode
        引向干扰发射机的装置:    jamming homing set
        纵向:    [造纸] direction; machine direction; endwise; longitudinal direction; vertical; longitudinal◇纵向发展 longitudinal development; 纵向海岸 longitudinal coast; 纵向力 longitudinal force; 纵向运动 lengthwise movement; longitudinal mode of motion; longitudinal motion; longitudinal movement; pitching motion
        单向干燥器:    single pass dryer
        定向干细胞:    committed stem cell
        横向干涉术:    lateral interferometry; lateralinterferometry
        径向干涉图:    radial interferogram
        双向干线:    bothway trunk line; two-way trunk
        干扰:    disturb; obstruct; jam; backdrop; interference; beating; mush; tamper; trouble; lapse; brushing; molestation; disturbance; crossfire; obstacle; perturbation; upset; [电学] jamming; pick-up (邻近电路或电台的) 反干扰 counteract interference; 磁场干扰 magnetic disturbance; 相长[消] 干扰 [物理学] constructive [destructive] interference; 来自外国广播电台的干扰 interference from foreign broadcasting station; 它将严重干扰工作的进展。 it will seriously interfere with the progress of the work. 许多学生发生这种错误是由于母语的干扰。 many students' error occurs because of mother-tongue interference
        粒系定向干细胞:    granuloid committed precursor cell
        淋巴定向干细胞:    lymphoid committed stem cells
        范围(纵向):    scope of economics
        过板(纵向):    over the top


  1. "纵向负荷"英文
  2. "纵向负荷 纵向负载"英文
  3. "纵向负加速度表"英文
  4. "纵向负载"英文
  5. "纵向负嗬"英文
  6. "纵向杆件"英文
  7. "纵向杆力电门"英文
  8. "纵向感应电压"英文
  9. "纵向钢板弹簧"英文
  10. "纵向钢筋"英文


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