Naxalism attacks where it is weakest : in delivering basic government services to those who need them most 纳萨尔派攻击它的要害,进攻人民最需要的政府服务。
Naxalism attacks where it is weakest : in delivering basic government services to those who need them most 纳萨尔派则攻击它最弱的地方,把基本政府服务给与那些最需要它们的人。
Naxalism attacks where it is weakest : in delivering basic government services to those who need them most 纳萨尔派攻击它的弱点,即那些最需要政府基本服务福利而政府又无法送到的地区。
The indian government estimates that the naxalites , heirs to a 40 - year old movement that splintered and then united in 2004 , now have some 10 , 000 armed fighters , and a further 40 , 000 full - time supporters 印度政府估计纳萨尔派在经历了四十年的分裂然后在2004年统一后现在已经有一千多名武装分子和四万多名专职拥护者。
The indian government estimates that the naxalites , heirs to a 40 - year old movement that splintered and then united in 2004 , now have some 10 , 000 armed fighters , and a further 40 , 000 full - time supporters 印度政府估计继承了40年运动传统的纳萨尔派分子在分裂后又在2004年重新合并,现在有10000名武装战士和40000名顽固支持者