纪念: commemorate; mark亡灵: the soul of a deceased perso ...大弥撒: high mass曲: qu,a type of verse for singi ...弥撒曲: mass or missa安魂弥撒曲: requiem mass格兰弥撒曲: gran mass模拟弥撒曲: parody mass庄严弥撒曲: osolemn massc小调大弥撒: great mass in c minor大弥: omi; oya亡灵: the soul of a deceased person; ghost; spectre 为死者的亡灵祈祷 pray for the souls of the departed弥撒: (天主教仪式之一, 拉丁文 missa 音译) mass; mass 大弥撒 high mass; 听弥撒 hear a mass; attend [go to] a mass; 小弥撒 low mass; 做弥撒 say [read] mass; 弥撒本 missal; 弥撒钱 mass penny; 弥撒曲 mass 苏灵大: sulindac sulphide悼念亡友: mourn for a dead friend都灵大学: u turin italy; università degli studi di torino史特灵大学: university of stirling斯德灵大学: university of stirling斯特灵大学: stirling university; university of stirling幽灵大农场: phantom ranch幽灵大师: spectral master纪念: 1.(表示怀念) commemorate; mark 纪念活动 commemorative activities; 纪念国际儿童节 observe international children's day; 举行纪念大会 hold a commemoration meeting; 我们铸造了一枚徵章来纪念这个发现。 we caused a medal to be struck in commemoration of this discovery.2.(纪念物) souvenir; keepsake; memento 留个纪念 keep sth. as a souvenir; 我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念。 my friend gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away.3.(用来表示纪念的) commemorative; 纪念碑 monument; cenotaph; memorial tablet; 纪念戒指 mourning ring; 纪念品 souvenir; keepsake; memento;纪念日 commemoration day; anniversary; red-letter day; 纪念邮票 commemorative stamp; 纪念章 souvenir badge; 纪念柱 xarque对亡灵: invisibility vs undead亡灵岛: dead man's island亡灵归: the dead return