- make appointments
- 约: 1个月 about a month
- 订约会: make an appointment
- 订约会: to make an appointment
- 订约: engage; conclude a bargain [treaty]; enter into an agreement 订约承运人 contracting carrier; 订约国 signatory state to a treaty; 订约的另一方当事人 other contracting party; 订约能力 capacity to contract
- 约会: appointment; engagement; date 订约会 make an appointment; 已有约会 have previous engagement; 取消约会 cancel an appointment; 事务性约会 business appointment; 紧急约会 pressing engagement; 下星期我有许多约会。 i have numerous engagements next week. 罗斯把他们的约会全忘掉了。 rose had forgotten all about their appointment