红: red石: dan,a unit of dry measure fo ...白窿石: white travertine黑窿石: travertino noce; volcano black黄窿石: beigee trowetine; marron travertine; travertino romano金窿石: golden travertine红楼: “red tower” -- ladies' apartments 红楼梦 “a dream of red mansions” (a famous novel)红龙之卵: red drake egg红楼残梦: the broken dream红龙鱼: red scleropages红楼春梦: dreams of eroticism红龙幼崽: red/crimson/flamesnorting whelp红楼春上春: erotic dream of the red chamber红龙虾: chinese lobster (red); red lobster红楼春深: hide her feelings in deep红龙水族: hong long aquarium