纠正: correct; put right; redress; ...他的: his想法: idea; opinion; what one has ...他的想法很幼稚: his idea is childish(表语)他的想法是:我们分成两组旅行。: his idea is for us to travel in two different groups他们对他的想法泼冷水时他并不泄气: he wasn't discouraged when they threw cold water on his ideas我的父亲总想使我接受他的想法。(使转变): my father is always trying to bring me over to his way of thinking我很快就看出我无法改变他的想法: i soon perceived that i could not make him change his mind按我的想法: to my mind卑陋的想法: dirt陈腐的想法: moth-eaten ideas错误的想法: error大胆的想法: lesson adventures of ideas分割的想法: parting thoughts过分的想法: fancy ideas prices荒诞的想法: a fantastic idea荒谬的想法: ridiculous thoughts绝妙的想法: an excellent idea exquisiteingeniouscleversubtle奇特的想法: fantastic idea瞬间的想法: fugitive thoughts impressions sensations etc无聊的想法: rubbish小孩的想法: the young idea新奇的想法: a novel idea幼稚的想法: naive ideas原来的想法: original idea