累计: accumulative total; grand to ...频数: many times表: outside; surface; external累计频数图: cumulative frequency diagram累计频数曲线: cumulative frequency curve频数表: frequency table统计频数: statistical frequency预计频数: expected frequency累计频率: cumulative frequency累计频率(频率): cumulative frequency相对累计频度: relative cumulative frequency二项频数表: double frequency table累积频数表: cumulative frequency table累计频率直方图: cumulative frequency polygon修正的频数表: modified frequency table累计常态分配函数表: tableofthecumulativenormaldistribution频数: [书面语] (次数多而接连) frequent and continuous数表: list of numbers; numerical tables累计: 1.(总计) accumulative total; grand total2.(加起来计算) add up 这些并联的发电机所产生的电流累计在一起, 总电流达到 500 安培。 the current from these parallel generators will add up to make a total flow of 500 amperes. 这些数累计起来是 592。 the figures add up to 592.; 累计帐户 accumulation account; 累计资本 accumulated capital容计频率: tolerance frequency设计频率: design frequency统计频率: statistic frequency; statistical frequency面频数: face frequency number频数比: frequency ratio频数距: frequency moment