惯犯, 累犯: habitual criminal惯犯,累犯: recidivist累犯, 惯犯: former convict累犯,重犯: recidivism对于累犯: suspension of sentence shall not be applied to recidivists累犯习性: recidivity累犯心理: mind of recidivist累犯预测: prognosis of recidivists一般累犯: common recidivist非习惯性累犯: discretionary persistent-offender status对累犯的法律规定: come-back laws累犯之加重刑罚: aggravation from repetiton我固法中关于未成年人累犯规定浅析: analysis on the regulations of youth recidivism in chinese criminal law累范特风: levanter; llevantades; llevante累范特: levant累范太腊风: levantera累乏: tired out with too much exertion累尔: leer