

发音:   用"紧张情境"造句


  1. However , the affective reactions of the first rank athletes were unsteady and fluctuating


        紧张:    nervous; keyed up
        情境:    circumstances; situation
        紧张情势:    tense situation
        紧张情绪控制:    tension management
        克服紧张情绪:    overcome one's nervousness
        日增紧张情势:    mounting tension
        充满紧张情绪的声音:    a voice charged with tension
        他笑着掩饰自己的紧张情绪:    he smiled to cover his nervousness. deception
        紧张:    1.(精神处于高度准备状态, 兴奋不安) nervous; keyed up 神情紧张 look nervous; 克服紧张情绪 overcome one's nervousness; 过度的神经紧张 excessive nervousness; 什么事情使她这样紧张? what's she so nervous about? 在发言时我总是感到紧张。 i'm always nervous when i make a speech.2.(激烈或紧迫, 使人精神紧张) tense; intense; strained; hectic; jettery 紧张而有秩序的工作 intense but orderly work; 紧张局势 a tense situation; tension; 紧张气氛 a tense atmosphere; 缓和国际紧张局势 ease international tension; 谈判最紧张的时候 when the negotiations were at their crucial stage; 两国关系紧张。 the relations between the two countries are strained. 这些日子真紧张。 these are hectic days. 今天的活动太紧张了。 you have had a long day.3.(供应不足) in short supply; tight 这些货物供应紧张。 these goods are in short supply.4.[医学] tension; tone; tonus; tautness; ademonia; 紧张过度 overstrain; 紧张症 catatonia; katatonia
        情境法:    situational method
        情境化:    contextualization
        情境句:    occasion sentence
        情境律:    law of situation
        情境论:    context theory
        情境释义,情境界说:    definition of situation (thomas)
        言谈情境 [言语情境:    speech situation
        艾氏情境:    asch situation
        冲突性情境:    conflict situation
        抽样情境:    sampling situation
        刺激情境:    stimulus situation
        二元情境:    dichotomous situation
        犯罪情境:    situation of crime
        规定情境:    situación determinada
        焦虑情境:    anxiety-producing situation
        历史情境:    history context


  1. "紧张期"英文
  2. "紧张起来"英文
  3. "紧张气氛"英文
  4. "紧张气氛的理论"英文
  5. "紧张倾向于向更广泛的程度扩展"英文
  6. "紧张情势"英文
  7. "紧张情绪控制"英文
  8. "紧张时间"英文
  9. "紧张使用信道"英文
  10. "紧张适应"英文


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