系统: system后援: reinforcements; backup force ...通道: thoroughfare; passageway; pa ...商业系统后援: bss business system support系统支援通道: system support channel救援通道: rescue paths后援通信处理机: backup communication processor系统后备: system backup后援系统: back up system; support system后援系统库: backup system library动态后援系统: dynamic support system (dss)海军指挥系统后勤活动: navy command systems support activity文件系统后备实用程序: file system backup utility; file system backuutility后援: reinforcements; backup force; backing; support 调遣后援人员 bring up reinforcements; 后援部队被派赴前线。 troops in support were sent to the battle front.; 后援寄存器 backing register蓄电瓶后援系统: battery backup system; battery backusystem基本程序设计后援系统: basic programming support多通道系统: multi channel system; multipath system三通道系统: three-channel system双通道系统: dual channel system; dual-channel system; two-channel system通道子系统: css channel subsystem停援通知: stome age; stomessage支援通信站: support communication postn个通道系统: n-channel system进出通道系统: ingress-egress system人车通道系统: pedestrian and vehicular access system