精辟: profound; incisive的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...格言的,精辟的: gnomic精辟的论述: a brilliant exposition进行精辟的分析: make a penetrating analysis一针见血的,精辟的: trenchant浮夸的言词: sounding brass轻率的言词: hasty words轻蔑的言词: contemptuous remarks伤感的言词: gooey words music伪善的言词: hypocritical words合时宜的言词: an opportune remark statement intervention etc首脑们的言词: summit speak用强硬的言词: in strong language高扬的言词, 堂皇的话: winged words可起诉的言词误导: actionable misrepresentation用十分明确的言词: in no uncertain terms亵渎神明的言词: blasphemy中伤的言论, 侮辱的言词: injurious words搬弄是非的言词, 挑起争端的言词: fighting words精辟: (深刻; 透彻) penetrating; incisive 进行精辟的分析 make a penetrating analysis; 精辟的论述 a brilliant exposition; 精辟的言词 incisive statement恐吓性或侮辱性的言词: threatening or insulting expression你的言词在刺痛着我: bruised and battered by your words切勿轻信漂亮的言词: never trust of fine words用奉承的言词, 用过奖的话语: in flattering terms