Before 1988 the outer walls of architectures in beijing are single outer walls made of clay bricks 这里是建筑节能标准执行以前,建筑物普遍采用的粘土砖墙。
Buildings made of air blocks react sensitively to factors effecting crack . under same conditions , the blockworks of building crack worse than wall made of clay bricks and crack types are also more complicate . purpose of the thesis : from the reasons of crack , crack development , domestic and overseas theories on crack , i make a deep research on crack 砌块墙体与普通粘土砖墙体开裂的现象有相当的一致性,又有其特殊性,由于砌块建筑对影响开裂的因素反应更为敏感,在相同情况下,砌块建筑墙体开裂的程度比粘土砖墙体要严重,裂缝的类型也比较复杂。