米: rice国宝: national treasure石: dan,a unit of dry measure fo ...学会: learn; master宝石学: gemmary; gemmology; gemnology; gemological; gemology法国宝石: french stone宝石学家: gemologist金石学学会: epigraphic society米国物理学会: aip american institute of physics米国心理学会: apa米国: isc; maimargh; trulia桂林水热法合成黄色蓝宝石的宝石学特性研究: research on gemmological characters of hydrothermal syntheti c yellow sapphire from guilin合成碳硅石的宝石学特征及鉴别: gemmological characteristics and identification of synthetic moissanite岩石学,结石学: lithology米国版: super mario world; vaginal contraceptive film米国鹰: american eagle high polish chrome; usa eagle on flag high polish chrome德国宝: german pool国宝报: desh ratna李国宝: david li熊国宝: xiong guobao徐国宝: xu guobao张国宝: gensuo zhao and guobao zhang; zhang guobao宝石: gemstone; gem; bijou; jewel; precious stone◇宝石玻璃 cameo glass; 宝石雕刻术 glyptography; lithoglyptics; 宝石匠 jeweller; 宝石商 jewller; 宝石镶嵌 gem mounting; 宝石学 gemmary; gemmology; 宝石轴承 jewel bearing; 宝石琢磨 gem cutting粪石学: coprology; scatology化石学: fo ilogy; fossilogy; fossilology; oryctogeology; oryctology; petrifactology