Who ' s your favorite basketball player of all time 所有的篮球球员里,你最喜欢的是谁
Many nba basketball players coach after successful playing careers 许多nba篮球球员在成功的运动生涯后当了教练
This special privilege is due to a concerted effort by the players behind the basketball players , that is , the basketball leagues ' owners and sponsors 这种特殊的礼遇来自于篮球球员背后运作者的共同努力,亦即篮球联盟的老板们和赞助商们。
In no small part , of course , it is , but other leading athletes with equally commendable skills or who have performed attention - grabbing antics rarely reach the stratospheric level of stardom that basketball players enjoy 乍看之下确实是如此,但其它才能同样出色或技艺震惊媒体的杰出运动员却很少有人达到和篮球球员平起平坐的巨星地位。