Some important items regarding the management shall be effected only by unanimous consent of all the board members of shareholders 某些重要的管理事项必须由董事或股东一致同意。
管理: manage; run; administer; sup ...事项: item; matter处理事项: handling information物理事项块: physical transaction block处理事项数据: transaction data事项管理: transaction management事项监督事项管理: transaction monitoring处理事项关键码: transaction key每秒处理事项数: transactions per second事项管理程序: transaction manager事项管理系统: transaction management system管理事务: management transaction管理事务部: department of management管理事务处: office of management services管理事务科: management services section管理事务司: division of management services; management services division合管理事: united nations trusteeship council托管理事会: tc; trusteeship council管理局理事会: council of the authority管理事务协议: management services agreement事项管理执行指令: transaction management executive事项: item; matter 章程中规定的事项 items stipulated in the regulations; 注意事项 matters needing attention; points for attention; 把这份报告中的有关事项提交委员会讨论。 the relative items in this report will be referred to the committee for discussion报酬和管理事务司: compensation and management services division财产管理事务员: property control clerk法庭管理事务科: court management services section