管子: Guan Zhong的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...分支: branch; subfield; offtake; b ...电缆心线把子的分支线: cable form arm管子分支: pipe branch管子的基墩: cradle bedding管子的胶接: cement joint of pipes管子的接套: swagelock管子的连接: pipe connections openings for管子的排列: distribution of pipe管子的升降: rise and down of pipe管子的一段: a section of a pipe管子的应力: stress-rupture testing of tube带的分支: branches of band干线的分支: sub main; submain极小的分支: minute branch节点的分支: node branch科学的分支: a branch of science空间的分支: component of a space曲线的分支: branch of a curve学科的分支: subdiscipline粒子的分散: dispersion of particles管子的粗接头: upset end joint管子的胶接头: cement joint of pipes管子的喇叭口: pipe socket