管: pipe; tube不管好歹: hit or [and] miss管好自己,用脑: to handle yourself, use your head把工具保管好: take good care of the tools管好自己的事: mind one’s own business; mink your own business管好你自己的事: mind your own business请保管好你的物品: take care of your personal goods请您保管好自己的物品: take care of your belongings危急时不管好坏的出路: any port in a storm请保管好您随身携带的物品: take care of your belongings我则告诉他们管好自己的言语: i tell them all to hold their tongue管涵洞: pipe culverts管涵: [土] pipe culvert管亥: gh管核: tube nuclei; tube nucleus管海晏: guan haiyan管核见于植物: tube nucleus管海绵: siphonia