

  • arithmetical progression method


        算术:    arithmetic figure; arithmeti ...
        累进:    progression
        :    law
        累进法:    rate process
        面积累进法:    area progression rules
        累进:    progression◇累进奖金报酬 accelerating premium pay; 累进率 graduated rates; 累进税 progressive tax; progressive taxation; graduated tax; 累进所得税 progressive income tax; 累进增长率 progressive increase rate
        进法:    adic system p; inserting method
        算术:    arithmetic figure; arithmetic 做算术 do sums; 精于算术的人 arithmetician; 他擅长算术。 he is good at arithmetic.; 算术表达式 arithmetical expression; 算术定则 rules of arithmetic; 算术和 arithmetic sum; 算术级数 arithmetic progression; arithmetical progression; arithmetic series; 算术平均 [数学] arithmetic mean; 算术平均数[值] arithmetic average; arithmetic mean; 算术语句 arithmetic sentence; arithmetic statement
        累进的:    pout; progressive
        累进率:    graduated rates
        累进税:    graduated tax; progressive taxation; progressive, proportional, and regressive taxes; tax, progressive
        累进性:    progressivity
        p进法:    p adic system
        步进法:    step by step method; step-by-step method; step-by-step procedure; stepbystepmethod; stepping technique
        促进法:    pnf
        顶进法:    jacking
        二进法:    binary scale; scal-of-two
        级进法:    gradation; grading
        渐进法:    cut-and-try method; nibbling method
        掘进法:    drifting method; drivage method
        前进法:    method of progression; moveup; progressive method
        十进法:    algorism; decimal notation; decimal numeration; denary scale
        推进法:    end-on system; over-end method
        武进法:    wu jinfa
        超额累进率:    graduated rates


  1. "算术均数"英文
  2. "算术均数温差"英文
  3. "算术可定义性"英文
  4. "算术课本"英文
  5. "算术狂"英文
  6. "算术例外"英文
  7. "算术连续统"英文
  8. "算术练习"英文
  9. "算术路"英文
  10. "算术逻辑"英文


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