streamline administration and delegate power to the lower levels; streamline administration and institute decentralization; simplify administrative procedures, delegate powers to lower levels
财政放权: decentralization of fiscal power to delegate fiscal power to
财政放权: decentralization of fiscal power to delegate fiscal power to简政: streamline administration放权: delegate powers to lower levels流放权: ius exulandi; iusexulandi排放权: emission rights精兵简政: have better troops and simpler administration; discharge inefficient officers and reduce administrative work; fewer and better troops and simpler administration; have a better staff and simpler administration; streamline administration; streamline the administrative structures; streamline the military and administrative structure精简政府机关: streamline the government institutions放权让利: decentralization of power and transfer of profits; grant power and offer interest concession开放权益: open commitments排放权贸易: emission trading可拍卖的排放权利: auctionable emission rights可以转让的排放权: tradable emi ion rights; tradable emission rights; tradableemi ionrights排放权管制系统: allowance tracking system排放权贸易;排放许可贸易: emission trading开放权益 未结清权益 未平仓合约: openinterest简支: freely-supported; simply supported; simply-supported简支板: simply supported plate; simply supported slab; simply-supported plate简正坐标分析: nca; normal-coordinate analysis简支边: simple su orted edge; simple supported edge; simply supported edge简正坐标: normal coordinates简支承: simple support简正振动型: normal mode of vibration简支的: free supported; freely supported; simple supported; simply supported; simply-supported简正振动模: normal mode of vibration
简政放权的韩语:정부·기업의 기구를 간소화 하고 권한을 하부 기관에 이양하다. [중국 정치 경제 관리 체제 개혁에 있어서 하나의 중요한 조치임]简政放权的俄语:[jiǎnzhèng fàngquán] сокр. сократить управленческий аппарат и предоставить большие права нижестоящим органам власти简政放权什么意思:简政放权基本解释:指精简政府机构,把经营管理权下放给企业。是中国在经济体制改革开始阶段,针对高度集中的计划经济体制下政企职责不分、政府直接经营管理企业的状况,为增强企业活力,扩大企业经营自主权而采取的改革措施。