Simplified formula of secular equation for hydrogen atom zeeman effect in a high magnetic field 均匀磁场中氢原子低能级简并度的解除
The higher the degree of degeneracy is , the stronger the damped level is . in the full - degenerate case , the damp is the strongest 尤其是简并粒子,简并度越高,阻尼程度越强,在完全简并情况下,阻尼达到最强。
The traditional homogene cloning method was modified on two aspects : first , homo - primers was designed at the sites with minimum degeneracy instead of maximum homology , secondly , some " n " bases were replaced with inosine in degenerate codes , resulting hi the degeneracy reduced from over 1000 times to below 100 times 改进后的同源引物简并度从1000倍以上降低至100倍以下,利用rt一pcr成功地扩增出一条630bp的盐藻cdna片段,该片段与其它物种的烯醇酶基因具有很高的相似性。