筛: sedge骨: bone钩突: unciform process; processus ...布路门巴赫突,筛骨钩突: process of blumenbach筛骨钩: processus uncinatus ossis ethmoidalis钩骨钩突: uncinate process of unciform bone泪骨钩突: hamular process of lacrimal bone; uncinate process of lacrimal bone椎骨钩突: uncinate process of vertebra腭钩,筛骨钩: palatine hamulus蝶骨钩突,翼突钩: hamular process of sphenoid bone钩突: unciform process; processus uncinatus骨钩: bone hook筛骨: cribriform bone; ethmoid antrum; ethmoid bone; ethmoidal bone; ethmoidbone; ossa ethmoidale; sieve bone胰钩突: processus uncinatus pancreatis钩骨钩: hamular process of unciform bone; hamulus hook of hamate; hamulus of hamate bone; hamulus of hamatebone; hook of hamate bone; uncus of hamate bone肋骨钩: rib hook泪骨钩: hamulus lacrimalis; lacrimal hamulus; lacrimalis hamulus颅骨钩: skull hook剔骨钩: boning hook车钩突榫: coupling nipple钩状突,钩突: uncinate process胰头钩突: uncinate process of head of pancreas胰腺钩突: uncinate process of pancreas钩骨钩骨折: fracture of hamulus of hamate bone锁骨钩钢板: chp; clavicular hook plate