筛选: dressing by screening; scree ...性质: properties; quality; charact ...筛选性能: screenability; sereenability筛选性试验: screening trials筛选性补体结合法: screening complement fixation procedure筛选性乳房摄影: screen mammography筛选: dressing by screening; screen; preparation by screening; preparation; choose by means of a sift; to sift 经过反复筛选, 选出近一百篇可能入选的小说。 the repeated siftings have brought the number of possible stories to the neighbourhood of one hundred.; 筛选程序 screening sequence; 筛选等级 screening class; 筛选规格 screening specification; 筛选机 screening machine; sieving machine; 筛选进口商品 screening of import commodities; 筛选累加 filtered accumulation; 筛选器 screening washer; 筛选砂 riddled sand; 筛选试验 screening test; 筛选条件 screening conditions; 筛选效率 screening efficiency; 筛选装置 screening plant可选性: washability预选性: preselection性质: properties; quality; character; nature; description; fumblingness; quale; -ity; -ty; -ency; -ence; -ness 性质很严重的问题 a matter of a very serious nature; 性质的变化 a change in nature; 铁的化学性质 the chemical properties of iron; 原子能的性质 the nature of atomic energy; 自然的性质 the properties of nature超选性技术: superselective technique浮选性曲线: floatability curve可浮选性: floatability可挑选性: selectable可选性曲线: washability curve挑选性商品: shopping goods挑选性阅读: selective reading质量选性择: mass selective detector msd未淘选性沈积: dumped deposit癌筛选: cancer screening磁筛选: magnetic screening粗筛选: coarse sizing; preliminary sizing精筛选: preliminary sizing列筛选: column filter; columnfilter普查;筛选: screening