

发音:   用"策略空间"造句
  • policy space
  • strategy space
  • 策略:    tactics a surname
  • 空间:    space; enclosure; room; blan ...
  • 战略空间:    strategic space
  • 忽略空白:    skip blanks
  • 战略空军:    saf; strategic air arm; strategic air command; strategic air element; strategic air power; strategic aviation


  1. Follow that we construct tactic space , and offer the algorithm
  2. We employ adaptation space to describe adaptation strategy , which includes condition space and tactic space . condition space is made of states of security environment and tactic space is made of intrusion detection strategies
  3. An adaptation space consists of a condition space and a tactic space . in this paper there is an analysis on the character and relationship between the two kind of spaces . and in the next part , we use the method to construct a real system , with the analysis of several real intrusion mode
  4. We use control chart to characterize states of security environment and data mining to construct intrusion detection strategies . the latter includes pattern mining , pattern consolidation arid pattern comparing . in succession to it , we construct attribute set and training set for classification of net data


        策略:    tactics a surname
        空间:    space; enclosure; room; blan ...
        战略空间:    strategic space
        策略:    1.(制定的行动方针和斗争方式) tactics 研究对敌斗争的策略 study the tactics of our struggle against the enemy;制定新的策略 devise new tactics; 合法的斗争策略 lawful struggle tactics; 要成为有成就的政治家, 就必须有高明的策略。 if you want to be a successful politician, you must make yourself able in tactics.2.(讲究斗争艺术) tactful 做事要策略一些 do things more tactfully; 这样做不策略。 it's not tactful to do so.3.[数学] (对策) policy; strategy; game; 策略家 tactician; engineer; 策略理论 game theory
        忽略空白:    skip blanks
        战略空军:    saf; strategic air arm; strategic air command; strategic air element; strategic air power; strategic aviation
        战略空袭:    strategic air attack
        战略空运:    strategic air lift; strategic air transport; strategic airlift
        读者与电脑空间的叙述策略:    audience and narrative strategies
        战略空降作战:    strategic airborne operation
        战略空军部队:    strategic air force
        战略空军基地:    strategic air base
        战略空军力量:    strategic air power
        战略空军情报:    strategic air intelligence
        战略空运活动:    strategic air transport operations
        战略空运距离:    trip distance
        战略空中突击:    strategic air attack
        战略空中侦察:    strategic air reconnaissance
        战略空中指挥:    sac
        空间:    space; enclosure; room; blank; interspace 活动空间 breathing spaces; 生存空间 living space; 时间和空间 time and space; 外层空间 outer space; 空间编码 space encoding; 空间布局 spatial distribution; 空间采暖 space heating; 空间导航 space navigation; 空间点阵 space lattice; 空间电场 space electric field; 空间定位 spatialization; 空间定向装置 tistat; 空间发射 spatial emission; 空间防御 [军事] space defense; 空间飞船 space vehicle; 空间飞行 space flight; 空间飞行器 spacecraft; 空间分布 space distribution; 空间构架 truss; 空间环境 [天文学] space environment; 空间环境监测仪 space environmental monitor; 空间基地 space base; 空间技术 [航] space technology; 空间科学 [航] space science; 空间实验室 spacelab; skylab;空间探测 [航] space exploration; 空间探测器 space probe; space exploration instrument; 空间探索 space exploration; 空间天文台 space observatory; 空间通信 space communication; 空间通信技术 space communications technique; 空间武器 [军事] space weapon; 空间物理实验卫星 spacephysics experiment satellite; 空间行走 [航空] space walk; 空间研究 space research; 空间遥测 space telemetry; 空间医学 aeromedicine; aerospace medicine; aviation medicine; space medicine; 空间站 space station
        战略空军基地防空:    strategic air base air defense
        战略空军警报系统:    strategic alerting system
        战略空军司令部:    commandement des forces aeriennes strategiques; strategic air command
        战略空军司令部(美):    strategic air command (s.a.c.)
        战略空军通信网:    strategic air command communication network


  1. "策略金字塔"英文
  2. "策略经营单位"英文
  3. "策略决策点"英文
  4. "策略决策功能"英文
  5. "策略决策功能实体"英文
  6. "策略类"英文
  7. "策略理论"英文
  8. "策略联盟"英文
  9. "策略联盟计划书"英文
  10. "策略连续系统"英文


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