

发音:   用"筋翻"造句
  • version of tendon and muscle
  • version of the tendons and muscle
  • :    muscle tendon; sinew
  • :    turn over; turn around; reve ...
  • 骨碎筋翻:    complicated fracture
  • 筋翻肉肿:    tendon-muscle reversion with swelling; version of tendon and muscle with swelling
  • 筋番付肉:    muscular ranking


        :    muscle tendon; sinew
        :    turn over; turn around; reve ...
        骨碎筋翻:    complicated fracture
        筋翻肉肿:    tendon-muscle reversion with swelling; version of tendon and muscle with swelling
        筋番付肉:    muscular ranking
        筋辅:    kinsuke
        筋断伤:    lacerated wound of tendon and muscle; lacerated wound of the tendon and muscle
        筋钢丝网水泥:    ferrocement with skeletal bar
        筋断:    breaking of muscle and tendon; breaking of the tendons and muscles; breakingofmuscleandtendon
        筋根:    tendon
        筋斗挂串:    bounder
        筋骨:    muscles and bones; physique 锻炼筋骨 develop one's muscles; 强壮筋骨 strengthen the physique; strong build
        筋斗:    1.(跟斗) somersault 翻筋斗 turn a somersault2.(跌交) fall; tumble (over) 摔了个筋斗 fall; have a fall; tumble over; have a tumble3.[航空] loop


  1. "筋斗"英文
  2. "筋斗挂串"英文
  3. "筋断"英文
  4. "筋断伤"英文
  5. "筋番付肉"英文
  6. "筋翻肉肿"英文
  7. "筋辅"英文
  8. "筋钢丝网水泥"英文
  9. "筋根"英文
  10. "筋骨"英文


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