With china ' s entry into wto , the establishing of administrative system , which could meet the needs of wto , and the promotion of governmental reform depend on the modeling of a learning governmental organization , which could regulate the relations of materials , stuffs , information , culture and power . the government should be quicker in learning than its rivals , realize the governments " self renovation , self perfection , and promote the competitive ability of government . administrative system reform is a process of adapting to economic system reform as well as carrying through political reform 入世后,政府能否在推进自身改革的同时建立和完善符合wto规则的政府管理体制,以适应全球化信息化对政府职能转变带来的新变化新挑战,关键在于政府组织自身能否塑造成学习型政府,保持与外部行政生态环境在物质、人员、信息、文化等能量的良性互动和有效回应;是否有比自己的竞争对手有更快的学习力,以及对变化的管理能力,实现政府自我革新、自我完善,提升政府竞争力。
等: class; grade; rank能量: energy; amount of energy的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...等能量: equal energy; homenergic等能量光谱: equal energy spectrum; equienergy spectrum等能量码: equal energy code等能量面: isoenergetic surface等能量谱: equal-energy spectrum; equi energy spectrum等能量日粮: isocaloric ration等能量水深: equal energy deppth; equal energy depth; equal-energy depth中等能量: median energy; medium energy; medium-energy; moderate energy不等能量耗失: unequal energy dissipation; unequalenergydissipation低等能量塔楼: small nergy turret中等能量塔楼: medium nergy turret能量的: energetic; energic; gaugeable产生能量的: energy producing; energy-producing; power producing; power-producing传送能量的: energy-delivering大量的能量: a quantity of energy高能量的: high-octane耗散能量的: lossy能量的惯性: inertia of energy能量的耗散: di ipation of energy; dissipation of energy能量的降级: degradation of energy能量的截收: energy interception能量的来源: production of the body energy