等级: grade; rank分数: fraction; fractional number年级分数: g score; grade score按等级分类: astm)30classification by rank按等级分析: coal analysis by rank等级分布: ranked distribution等级分界: specification break等级分类: grade separation; ordinal scale; ordinalscale等级分析: grade analysis国际等级分: elo rating叙级分等级: grading等级分配;年级分配: grade distributionarthur分数等级: grace arthur point scale分数等级: grade多等级分派法: multi-class assignment method三等级分组法: tripartite groupinggrace arthur分数等级: grace arthur point scale灰度等级分辩率: gray scale resolution火花塞热等级分类: spark plug heat rating classifications分度分等级分类分级复联: grading级分: fraction铸钢件射线照相及底片等级分类方法: methods of radiographic testing and classification of radiographs for steel castingst分数: t score; t-score分数: 1.[数学] fraction; fractional number 带分数 mixed number; 繁分数 complex fraction; 假分数 improper fraction; 真分数 proper fraction2.(表示成绩等的数字) mark; grade; point 他在考试中得到好分数。 he attained a good mark in the examination. 他的三角学分数很低。 he received a low mark for trigonometry. 他的学期论文得了个不及格分数。 he received a falling grade on the term paper等级: 1.(按质量、程度、地位等的差异而作出的区别) grade; rank 薪金等级 pay grade; 牛奶是分等级出售的。 milk is sold in grades.2.(在社会地位和法律地位上不平等的社会集团) order and degree; social estate; social stratum 封建社会等级森严。 feudal society was rigidly stratified