The inductor will be calibrated as a 2 - terminal device and the series equivalent inductance of the device will be reported 电感器将被视作二端器件进行校正,并列报该器件的连串等效电感量。
When a new clean ac power supply is designed , it is very necessary to know the relationship between the equivalent induction and the thyristor turn - on angle 在设计新型交流净化电源时,掌握等效电感和双向晶闸管延迟导通角之间的关系很重要。
In order to simplify control parameters design , the modeling method of equivalent inductance is put forward and validated by simulation and experimentation 在此基础上为简化控制系统参数设计,利用等效电感建模法建立了调速系统在复频域内的动态数学模型,并进行了仿真和试验验证。
Secondly , because of changeable inductor , it is difficult to analysis the action of system . so the equeivelent inductor will be illustrated and the simplified module will be constructed 针对这一问题,本文提出了等效电感的方法,构造了电机的简化模型,从而能够方便的分析系统的运行特性和进行系统参数设计。
The 3d model of the metro transformer was built up based on the nonlinear static finite element method with edge element and the equivalent inductances between different windings were calculated by the model 为此,运用磁集成技术将平衡电抗器与变压器有机结合,构造出新型12脉波二重逆变牵引供电系统,实现利用集成磁件的等效电感取代平衡电感的设计思想。