第四: fourth次: order; sequence分组: divide into groups第二次分组会议: second group session第六次分组会议: sixth group session第三次分组会议: third group session第五次分组会议: fifth group session第一次分组会议: first group session分组会议: breakout sessions第四次妇女问题世界会议: fourth world conference on women组会议: world trends and african needs第四次大战: the fourth war第四次进攻: fourth down第四次浪潮: the fourth wave第四次声波: fourth sound第四次式举: extra attempt第四次下水: the fourth time into the water第四次联合国与区域组织高级别会议: fourth high-level united nations-regional organizations meeting二次分组法: method of secondary grouping第四次十字军: fourth crusade区域组会议: geographical groumeetings小组会议: afg; team meeting; wtm第四次妇女问题世界会议北京宣言和行动纲要: beijing declaration and platform for action of the fourth world conference on women第四次妇女问题世界会议中国组织委员会: china organizing committee for the fourth world conference on women第四次联合国世界裁军运动认捐会议最后文件: final act of the fourth united nations pledging conference for the world disarmament campaign