第十: tenth九: nine件: piece; article; item礼物: gift; present攀: climb; clamber上: upper; up; upward摘: pick; pluck; strip; take off星: star的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...阶梯: a flight of stairs; ladder; ...第二十九件礼物:精益求精: the gift of keeping up the good work第三十九件礼物:万事会大吉: the gift of knowing that everything will be okay第十件礼物:把答案洒遍世界: the gift of spreading smiles around摘星的晚上: dj vicky第十九: nineteenth; ninetieth三件礼物: the three gifts祥 - 摘星的晚上: dj vicky remix诡异的阶梯: strange stairs进身的阶梯: ladder门口的阶梯: doorstep天国的阶梯: stairway to heaven天堂的阶梯: stairway to heaven第十九的: niniteenth第十九个: ninetieth第十九个的: nineteenth