第八: eighth a surname拉丁 第八个小孩: octavia奥克塔维亚 拉丁 第八个小孩: octavia奥克塔薇尔 拉丁 第八个小孩: octavia有一个小孩: have a baby怀第一个小孩: they are expecting their first child这个小孩认生: the child is shy with strangers. stiff他睡了八个小时: he slept eight hours一窝产八个小猪: a litter of eight pigs第八个零置换双极码: b8zs bipolar with 8th zero substitution希伯来文第八个字母: cheth英语字母表的第八个字母: eitf etf那个小孩多讨厌: what a nuisance that child is! hard to handle那个小孩多讨厌!: What a nuisance that child is! hard to handletroublesomenasty他还是个小孩子: he's still but a child又添了一个小孩: had another baby这个小孩不合群: the child doesn't get on well with others. be gregarious八个: naiman带着一个小孩的妇女: a woman with a child当还是个小孩的时候: as a child好几个小孩子中暑晕倒了: several children fainted because of the heat就像耶稣对一个小孩。: like jesus to a child他们上周生了个小孩: they had a baby last week我看到有个小孩在马路上: i saw some kid on newbury road一个小孩和他的小狗: a boy and his dog