The sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side . 任何三角形的两边之和必大于第三边。
I was taught that two sides of a triangle were greater than the third 我学过,三角形的两边之和大于第三边。
Given the lengths of the two sides of a right - angled triangle , we can find out the length of a third side 要是知道直角三角形两个边的长度,我们就能求出第三边的长度。
This example returns the length of the third side of a right triangle by applying the square function to two variables and then calculating the square root of their sum 此示例通过对两个变量应用square函数然后计算其和的平方根,返回直角三角形第三边的长度。
The tangent of the angle which is correspond with the feature point is the first feature invariant , and the three sides ' ratio of the triangle is the second feature invariant 该方法根据三角不等式原理利用第三边与另外两边之和的比值大小来确定角点,以特征点和它相邻的两个特征点所形成的两条直线的夹角正切值以及三角形第三边与另两边和的比值作为特征不变量。