800mhz cdma digital cellular mobile telecommunications network message center equipment test method part one : point to point sms 800mhz cdma数字蜂窝移动通信网短消息中心设备测试方法第一分册点对点短消息业务部分
800mhz cdma digital cellular mobile telecommunications network message center equipment technical specification part one : point to point sms 800mhz cdma数字蜂窝移动通信网短消息中心设备技术要求第一分册点对点短消息业务部分
Jjames c . hsiung , anarchy and order , the interplay of politics and law in international relations , lynne rienner publishers , inc . 1997 , p8 比如,可参见劳特派特修订的《奥本海国际法》 ,上卷,第一分册, “绪论:国际法的基础和发展” ,商务印书馆1989年版,第3 95页。
第一: first; primary; foremost; fi ...分册: a separately published part ...第一分道: the first lane第一分量: first component分册: a separately published part of a book; fascicle 第一分册 book one第一分离系列: first segregant series第一分伦定理: first classification theorem第一分摊条件: first condition of average民防第一分区: st cd division三叉神经第一分支: first division of trigeminal nerve一分: cent; full ponit; ichibu; love and honour; one points; penny第五颅神经第一分支功能: first division of fifth cranial nerve function第五脑神经第一分支: first division of fifth cranial nerve第一分队刑军总括军团长: keigun toukatsu gundanchou三叉神经第一分支功能: first division of trigeminal nerve function记分册: book of examination grades; class academic record book; mark book; score book第五颅神经第一分支功能障碍: first division of fifth cranial nerve disorder浦东国际货运有限公司第一分公司: pdhy三叉神经第一分支功能障碍: first division of trigeminal nerve disorder优势[体育]平分后任何一方所获得的第一分: vantage“抗生素分册”: world notes on antibiotics部分、辑、分册: section sec第二分册: the second volume of a work化学分册: physical testing and chemical analysis part b:chemical analysis物理分册: physical testing and chemical analysis part a:physical testing