符: tally symbol; mark利民: jeremygiovannisargent; joseph l chao; limin; thermalright; toshitami才利民: cai limin陈利民: chen limin冯利民: li-min feng佛利民: milton friedman郭利民: ray cordeiro兰利民: limin lan利民达: jementah利民镇: liminzhen刘利民: li-min liu苏利民: peter sullivan; shane soloman; shane solomon王利民: wang limin温利民: barry veneman杨利民: limin yang; yang limin姚利民: li-min yao张利民: li-min zhang赵利民: li-min zhao周利民: li-min zhou朱利民: limin zhu奥地利民族: oesterreichische nation大卫佛利民: david d. friedman富国利民: enrich the state and bring benefits to the people; enrich the country and benefit the people; promote national welfare and foster the happiness of the people利国利民: benefit the nation and the people; bring profit to one's country and the people利民病毒: lenny virus