笔: pen; pencil; stylus; writing ...写: write的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...亲笔写的: holograph用笔写的: black-and-white用钢笔写的: black-and-white用铅笔写的: penciled; pencilled全息照相;手书;亲笔写的: holograph那封信是用铅笔写的: that letter was written in pencil原稿上一条用铅笔写的注释: a penciled note on the mss写的: charles ii; foxpro亲笔写: autograph笔写记录器: ink recorder挥笔写字: drive a pen尖笔写法的: stylographic开始动笔写: start to write拿笔写字: write with a pen亲笔写成的: autographic信笔写来: write down one's ideas as they come to mind用粉笔写: chalk用钢笔写: write in ink; write with a pen用红粉笔写: write in red chalk用铅笔写: write in pencil; write with a pencil草写的: current抄写的: scribal; transcribed