笑: smile; laugh到: 39在: exist; be living滚: roll; turn round; trundle笑到在地上打滚: rolling on the floor laughing笑到在地上打滚, 笑到不行了: rolling on the floor laughing笑到在倒在地上打滚: rofl笑到滚在地上: rofl(roalonthefloor)在地上: aboveground; on the floor; on the ground倒在地上: fall to the ground; topple down to the ground放在地上的: ground-bedded将放在地上: on the ground落在地上: droto the ground趴在地上: lie on one's stomach; on all fours爬在地上的: decumbent扑跌在地上: fall flat on the ground普照在地上: god set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth摊在地上的: humifuse躺在地上: just on the floor..................... cal在地上耍赖: flop芭蕾舞在地上: aterre蹲在地上的人: kauernde将打倒在地上: daun dajn趴在地上打靶: lie on the ground for target practice躺在地上的人: the man on the ground