This set of alphabet stamps is especially creative , using a clothes peg for the letter a , and a bamboo ladder for the letter h and so forth 字母邮票(邮票展示了丰富的想像力,以衫夹代表a 、竹梯代表h等。
B comprises part of a pair of scissors and c a desk lamp ! similarly , e uses a steaming rack , h a bamboo ladder and u a pair of flip - flops 字母b则由剪刀的一部分组成,而字母c由一盏?灯组成。同样地,字母e 、 h及u分别由蒸架、竹梯及拖鞋组成。
The presenting eight exhibits : stairs , containers , stools , ladders , escalators , stage , beds and portals , were the artistic research , re - design and reconstruction of common objects and phenomena 八件参展作品的灵感皆源自日常事物及现象如竹梯、货柜、三截? 、铰剪梯、电梯、舞台、床及门? ,是参展者对它们进行研究、重新设计及再建构而诞生。
Another reproduced the most singular combinations with a spinning - top ; in his hands the revolving tops seemed to be animated with a life of their own in their interminable whirling ; they ran over pipe - stems , the edges of sabres , wires , and even hairs stretched across the stage ; they turned around on the edges of large glasses , crossed bamboo ladders , dispersed into all the corners , and produced strange musical effects by the combination of their various pitches of tone . the jugglers tossed them in the air , threw them like shuttlecocks with wooden battledores , and yet they kept on spinning ; they put them into their pockets , and took them out still whirling as before 还有一个耍弹簧地陀螺的演员,他使那些地陀螺滴溜溜转起来配合得极其巧妙,看了简直叫人难以置信,这些嗡嗡作响的陀螺在他的操纵下,活象是一些旋转不停的有生命的小动物,它们能在烟斗杆上,军刀刀口上,以及在那些拉在舞台上的头发一样细的钢丝上旋转着跑个不停,它们能围着几个大水晶瓶打圈转,它们能爬竹梯,能四面八方到处跑,同时发出各种不同的响声。