立法: legislation和: mix; blend司法: administration of justice; j ...委员会: committee; commission; counc ...规则和司法委员会: committee on rules and judicial practice内务和司法委员会: commission for internal affairs and justice宪法法律和司法委员会: constitution law and justice committee立法委员会: committee of legislation; lagislation council; legislation commission; legislative committees; legislative council司法委员会: commission for jurisdiction; council of judiciary; judicial commission; judicial committee; judicial council司法委员会, 司法会议: judicial conncil财政立法委员会: ways and means committee第二立法委员会: second legislative commission第三立法委员会: third legislative commission第四立法委员会: fourth legislative commission第一立法委员会: first legislative commission立法委员会决议案: legislative council resolution立法委员会主席: chairman of the legislative committee联邦立法委员会: federal committee for legislation全国立法委员会: national legislative council参议院司法委员会: judiciary committee of the senate; senate judiciary committee参院司法委员会: senate judicary committee独立司法委员会: independent judicial commission泛美司法委员会: inter american juridical committee; inter_american juridical committee高级司法委员会: high judicial council内务司法委员会: committee for internal and judical affairs; committee for internal and judicial affairs