Public accounts committee of the legislative council 立法会政府帐目委员会
Dr the honourable eric li has been a staunch supporter of the chinese university of hong kong for many years 李议员自一九九八年起即担任立法会政府帐目委员会主席。
Neither did the legco public accounts committee , in its numerous reports made twice each year which investigates into cases of public officers in default . no request was ever made for the dismissal of any official 立法会政府帐目委员会在一年两次对政府职员失责的调查中,也不曾介入政府行政架构的安排或要求辞退任何人士。
Speech by the chief secretary for administration , mrs anson chan , in presenting the government minute in response to report no . 32 of the public accounts committee in the legislative council on october 13 , 1999 立法会:政务司司长提交政府覆文致辞全文(十月十三日)政务司司长陈方安生在立法会政府帐目委员会会议上的致辞全文(十月四日)
Speech by the chief secretary for administration , mrs anson chan , in presenting the government minute in response to report no . 32 of the public accounts committee in the legislative council on october 13 , 1999 立法会:政务司司长提交政府覆文致辞全文(十月十三日)政务司司长陈方安生在立法会政府帐目委员会会议上的致辞全文(十月四日)
立法: legislation会: compute政府: government帐目: items of an account; account ...委员会: committee; commission; counc ...政府帐目委员会: public accounts committee政府帐目: public account立法会财务委员会: finance committee of the legislative council项目委员会: project board; project committee立法会财经事务委员会: legco panel on financial affairs立法会房屋事务委员会: legco panel on housing立法会经济事务委员会: legco panel on economic services立法会规划地政及工程事务委员会: legco panel on planning lands and works; legco panel on planning, lands and works立法会食物安全及环境卫生委员会: legislative council’s panel on food safety and environment hygiene; legislativecouncil’spanelonfoodsafetyandenvironmenthygiene; lei yue mun park and holiday village临时立法会内务委员会主席: chairman house committee of the provisional legislative council临时立法会事务委员会制度: provisional legislative council panel system临时立法会行政管理委员会: provisional legislative council commission临时立法会议员薪津委员会: independent commission on remuneration for members of the provisional legislative council文康广播事务委员会〔临时立法会: panel on broadcasting, culture and sport [provisional legislative council]政策和项目委员会: committee on policies and projects工发组织第二次大会政府间筹备委员会: intergovernmental preparatory committee for the second general conference of unido立法委员会: committee of legislation; lagislation council; legislation commission; legislative committees; legislative council立法会公务员及资助机构员工事务委员会: legco panel on public service立法会研究机场核心计划财政事宜小组委员会: legco subcommittee on the financing of airport core programme立法会: legislative council; parliamentary assemblies