Cubiczirconia is a kind of 8 . 5 hardless stone , it can make many kind of style of your request , can make your beatiful life 立方氧化锆是一种硬度为8 . 5的石头,它可根据你的要求制出不同的款式,美化你的生活。
Scp - zro2 ( gem - grade zirconia ) has high purity and is mainly used for making cubic zirconia crystal ( artificial gems ) , and as additive for optical glass and fibre with high index of refraction 具有高纯度,是制造立方氧化锆晶体(人造宝石)的主要原材料,也用作高折射光学玻璃和光学纤维的添加剂。
He yi jewelry caft factory specialize in produce and process all kinds of cubic zircon , alumnae , spaniel , glass and so on . we can ensure the quality and pruduce thecustom - built products according to the custonersdemand 合意珠宝工艺厂是一家专业生产加工各种立方氧化锆、红刚玉、蓝刚玉、尖晶、稀土玻璃等人造宝石和各种天然石。
The company has two factories : round processing factory and processing factory of the miscellaneous shape , and there are offices in qingdao , the main products have the cube to oxidize the zirconium , formate the corundum , sharp brilliant series etc . 公司下设有两个工厂:圆形加工厂和杂形加工厂,并在青岛设有办事处,主要产品有立方氧化锆合成刚玉尖晶系列等。
Ren cheng da gems factory has been specializing in the production & sales of man - made cubic zirconia gems . our company became the private professional - factory with large scale by our unremitting efforts 任成大宝石工艺厂,一直致力于人造立方氧化锆宝石的生产和销售。主要生产加工立方氧化锆、红刚玉、蓝刚玉、尖晶、猫眼石、闪电石、水晶及稀土玻璃等人造宝石产品,质优价廉。