The first dish was roasted chicken , immediately , the old man took the drumstick for the old lady . “ take this , it ' s your favorite 第一道菜是烤鸡。立刻地,老夫人的丈夫夹了一个鸡腿给她说道: “尝尝这个,我知道你最喜欢吃鸡腿了。 ”
35 “ prompt ” or “ promptly ” means occurring , acting , or performed exactly at the time circumstantially required or without delay when instructed by the contractor "立刻的"或"立刻地"指当环境需要时,或总包商指示时即刻发生,行事或履行。
It was late at night and most of the stores had already closed . with master s guidance , we were happily surprised to find a store that offered what we needed . we immediately delivered the bath towels to everyone in the shelter the next day 当时时间已经很晚了,大部分的商店都已经打烊休息,在师父的指引下,我们很惊喜地找到了一家商店,第二天我们便立刻地将这些浴巾分送给避难所内的所有灾民。
立刻: immediately; at once; right ...地: the earth刻地: straightway立刻: immediately; at once; right away; in the turn [turning] of a hand 立刻到这儿来! come here at once即刻地: directly; immediately; instantly尖刻地: caustically; pointedly苛刻地: grindingly; hardly深刻地: deeply; profoundly一刻地: momently极大地,深刻地: deeply深刻地阐明: expound profoundly深刻地影响: have a deep effect on时时刻刻地: momently严厉地;苛刻地: harshly立即,立刻: in a moment立刻, 不久: in short meter立刻, 当场: on the nail立刻, 马上: in a snap立刻,很快: in no time (in a minute)立刻,霎时: in an instant立刻,不久: shortly立刻的: immediate; instantaneous; prompt; spur-of-the-moment; straightaway; summary马上, 立刻: first off; in a minute; in nothing flat; in two shakes马上,立刻: at once; in no time; straight是“立刻”: in two twos