

发音:   用"立体绿化"造句
  • vertical planting
  • 立体:    three-dimensional; stereosco ...
  • 绿化:    make green by planting trees ...
  • 绿化:    make green by planting trees, flowers, etc.; afforest; green 绿化城市 plant trees in and around the city; 绿化山区 afforest the mountain district; 绿化祖国 cover the country with trees; green our motherland; “greening of motherland”; 绿化带 seeded strip; 绿化地带 greenbelt; 绿化费 afforestation fees; 绿化工程 landscape engineering; 绿化规划 afforestation plan; 绿化降噪 greening lowering noise; planting lowering noise; 绿化面积 green space; green area; 绿化区 green area; 绿化委员会 afforestation committee; 绿化照明 greenbelt lighting; 绿化种植 planting technique
  • 新固体绿:    new solid green
  • 立体:    1.(三维的) three-dimensional; stereoscopic2.[数学] (几何体) solid; body◇立体彩色电视 three-dimensional colour television; 3-d colour television; 立体彩色照片 anaglyphs; 立体电视 three-dimensional television; stereoscopic television; relief television; stereotelevision; 立体电视接收机 stereo-television receiver; 立体电影 stereoscopic cinematography [film]; stereo-screen; three-dimensional [3-d] film; 立体电影放映机 three-dimensional projector; 立体电影摄影机 stereo film camera; 立体电影摄影术 stereo-cinematography;立体化学 stereochemistry; 立体画法 stereography; 立体几何(学) solid geometry; 立体交叉 grade separation; overpass; flyover crossing; flyover; fly-over junction; 立体交叉道桥 gallop bridge; fly-over; 立体结构 stereochemical structure; 立体解析几何 solid analytical geometry; 立体模型 stereomodel; space model; 立体派 cubism; 立体摄影 stereo; 立体摄影机 stereo camera; 立体摄影术 stereography; stereophotography; 立体摄影仪 stereometric camera; 立体投影 stereoprojection; 立体投影图 axonometric chart; 立体凸轮 solid cam; 立体图 free-space diagram; graphic model; space diagram; 立体图像 stereopicture; three-dimensional picture; anaglyph; 立体显微镜 stereomicroscope; stereoscopic microscope; 立体战争 three-dimensional warfare; triphibious warfare; 立体照片 stereo; stereochrome; stereograph; anaglyph; 立体照相 vectograph; 立体照相机 [光学] stereo camera; stereoscopic camera


  1. Protect rock slope of road cutting by solid greening technique of spray seeding on outside soil
  2. For example , on the survey report of wu yi civic square of changsha , we can draw the following conclusion : the square lacks arbors . it looks like the ignorance of the designer , but through analysing carefully , in fact , the technology of planting on the artificial ground and construction " s roof is inadequate . another example , the behavior and psychological characteristics of people in the open space of city , which are often ignored by the designer , and are very important in creating two kinds of basic behavior space : facility for rest and space for walking
  3. The article studies about the traffic environment , the use of the new materials and new resources , the embodiment of district characters , three - dimensional afforesting and management and suggests that to create an ecological district with convenient traffic and scientific equipments , principles of " sustainable development " , " humanistic " , community development , localization and art should be insisted
    就小区的交通环境、新材料、新能源的应用、小区特色的体现、立体绿化和物业管理等方面进行了研究。试图利用“可持续发展” 、 “人性化”原则、社区发展原则、地方性原则、形式美法则等等创造一个交通便利、设备先进、环境优雅的生态智能小区。


        立体:    three-dimensional; stereosco ...
        绿化:    make green by planting trees ...
        绿化:    make green by planting trees, flowers, etc.; afforest; green 绿化城市 plant trees in and around the city; 绿化山区 afforest the mountain district; 绿化祖国 cover the country with trees; green our motherland; “greening of motherland”; 绿化带 seeded strip; 绿化地带 greenbelt; 绿化费 afforestation fees; 绿化工程 landscape engineering; 绿化规划 afforestation plan; 绿化降噪 greening lowering noise; planting lowering noise; 绿化面积 green space; green area; 绿化区 green area; 绿化委员会 afforestation committee; 绿化照明 greenbelt lighting; 绿化种植 planting technique
        新固体绿:    new solid green
        立体:    1.(三维的) three-dimensional; stereoscopic2.[数学] (几何体) solid; body◇立体彩色电视 three-dimensional colour television; 3-d colour television; 立体彩色照片 anaglyphs; 立体电视 three-dimensional television; stereoscopic television; relief television; stereotelevision; 立体电视接收机 stereo-television receiver; 立体电影 stereoscopic cinematography [film]; stereo-screen; three-dimensional [3-d] film; 立体电影放映机 three-dimensional projector; 立体电影摄影机 stereo film camera; 立体电影摄影术 stereo-cinematography;立体化学 stereochemistry; 立体画法 stereography; 立体几何(学) solid geometry; 立体交叉 grade separation; overpass; flyover crossing; flyover; fly-over junction; 立体交叉道桥 gallop bridge; fly-over; 立体结构 stereochemical structure; 立体解析几何 solid analytical geometry; 立体模型 stereomodel; space model; 立体派 cubism; 立体摄影 stereo; 立体摄影机 stereo camera; 立体摄影术 stereography; stereophotography; 立体摄影仪 stereometric camera; 立体投影 stereoprojection; 立体投影图 axonometric chart; 立体凸轮 solid cam; 立体图 free-space diagram; graphic model; space diagram; 立体图像 stereopicture; three-dimensional picture; anaglyph; 立体显微镜 stereomicroscope; stereoscopic microscope; 立体战争 three-dimensional warfare; triphibious warfare; 立体照片 stereo; stereochrome; stereograph; anaglyph; 立体照相 vectograph; 立体照相机 [光学] stereo camera; stereoscopic camera
        绿化带:    gree elts; green area; green belt; greenbelts; tree lawn
        绿化的:    verdant
        绿化费:    afforestation fees
        绿化街:    green street
        绿化率:    forestation rate
        绿化区:    green area; green link; zonas verdes
        造林;绿化:    afforestation
        车行道绿化:    driveway greening
        城市绿化:    afforestation of city; urban afforestation; urban arboriculture; urban landscaping; urban planting; urban virescence
        城市绿化区:    town greenery
        窗台绿化:    window-sill greening
        垂直绿化:    vertical greening
        大规模绿化:    intensive afforestation
        道路绿化:    road planting
        分车带绿化:    dividing stripe greening
        封山绿化:    close off hills for forestation
        柑桔绿化簿:    citrus greening agent
        隔声绿化带:    sound isolate greenbelt
        工厂绿化:    factory greening, factory garden-ing; factory greening,factory garden-ing
        工厂绿化区:    factory greenery


  1. "立体量测仪"英文
  2. "立体量角仪"英文
  3. "立体路交叉点"英文
  4. "立体录音"英文
  5. "立体录音带"英文
  6. "立体乱度"英文
  7. "立体面积的利用"英文
  8. "立体描绘器"英文
  9. "立体模数住宅建筑"英文
  10. "立体模型"英文


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