

发音:   用"立体旋转"造句


        立体:    three-dimensional; stereosco ...
        旋转:    revolve; gyrate; rotate; spi ...
        立体旋转方块:    zoocube
        体旋转:    trunk turning
        半体旋转的:    hemitropic
        半体旋转轴:    hemitropy axis
        晶体旋转:    rotation of crystal
        晶体旋转法:    crystal rotation method
        身体旋转:    body rotation; swing of body; swing of the body
        旋转体旋转器:    rotator
        半体旋转双晶:    hemitrope; hemitropy
        集体旋转运动:    collective rotational motion
        流体旋转接头:    fluid swivel
        曲面整体旋转:    global model rotate
        铁氧体旋转器:    ferrite rotator
        粉体旋转给料阀:    rotaryvalve
        椭圆体旋转椭球体:    spheroid
        缸体旋转式径向活塞泵:    rotary-block radial pump; rotary-displacement pump
        立体式旋转自动仓储:    horizontal carousels
        立体四轴摆动旋转载物台:    stereo-quadruple-axes swing stage
        桨体旋涡:    propeller-hull vortex
        流体旋涡:    fluid whirl
        气体旋塞:    gas cock
        液体旋风器:    liquid cyclone
        立体:    1.(三维的) three-dimensional; stereoscopic2.[数学] (几何体) solid; body◇立体彩色电视 three-dimensional colour television; 3-d colour television; 立体彩色照片 anaglyphs; 立体电视 three-dimensional television; stereoscopic television; relief television; stereotelevision; 立体电视接收机 stereo-television receiver; 立体电影 stereoscopic cinematography [film]; stereo-screen; three-dimensional [3-d] film; 立体电影放映机 three-dimensional projector; 立体电影摄影机 stereo film camera; 立体电影摄影术 stereo-cinematography;立体化学 stereochemistry; 立体画法 stereography; 立体几何(学) solid geometry; 立体交叉 grade separation; overpass; flyover crossing; flyover; fly-over junction; 立体交叉道桥 gallop bridge; fly-over; 立体结构 stereochemical structure; 立体解析几何 solid analytical geometry; 立体模型 stereomodel; space model; 立体派 cubism; 立体摄影 stereo; 立体摄影机 stereo camera; 立体摄影术 stereography; stereophotography; 立体摄影仪 stereometric camera; 立体投影 stereoprojection; 立体投影图 axonometric chart; 立体凸轮 solid cam; 立体图 free-space diagram; graphic model; space diagram; 立体图像 stereopicture; three-dimensional picture; anaglyph; 立体显微镜 stereomicroscope; stereoscopic microscope; 立体战争 three-dimensional warfare; triphibious warfare; 立体照片 stereo; stereochrome; stereograph; anaglyph; 立体照相 vectograph; 立体照相机 [光学] stereo camera; stereoscopic camera


  1. "立体形聚合物"英文
  2. "立体形态现象"英文
  3. "立体形衣壳对称"英文
  4. "立体性复视"英文
  5. "立体性偏心"英文
  6. "立体旋转方块"英文
  7. "立体选择反应"英文
  8. "立体选择和区域选择性合成"英文
  9. "立体选择聚合"英文
  10. "立体选择性"英文


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