

发音:   用"立体干扰"造句
  • steric interference


        立体:    three-dimensional; stereosco ...
        干扰:    disturb; obstruct; jam; back ...
        三维立体干扰:    kpt 3d stereo noise
        基体干扰:    matrix interference
        气体干扰:    gas interference
        气悬体干扰:    aerosol jamming
        染色体干扰:    chromosomal interference; chromosome interference
        天体干扰:    star statics
        自体干扰:    autointerference
        染色单体干扰:    chromatid interference
        原噬菌体干扰:    prophage interference
        立克次体干扰现象:    rip
        无规体干扰势位:    potential of random masses
        体干:    trunk
        发动机排气与机体干扰:    engine-exhaust-airframe interference
        机翼尾翼组合体干扰效应:    interference effect of wing tail combination
        人细胞病变自体干扰簿:    chai-virus; cytopathic human auto-interfering virus
        立体动态干扰电疗:    stereo-dynamic interferential therapy
        virus]人细胞病变自体干扰病毒:    chai-virus
        立体:    1.(三维的) three-dimensional; stereoscopic2.[数学] (几何体) solid; body◇立体彩色电视 three-dimensional colour television; 3-d colour television; 立体彩色照片 anaglyphs; 立体电视 three-dimensional television; stereoscopic television; relief television; stereotelevision; 立体电视接收机 stereo-television receiver; 立体电影 stereoscopic cinematography [film]; stereo-screen; three-dimensional [3-d] film; 立体电影放映机 three-dimensional projector; 立体电影摄影机 stereo film camera; 立体电影摄影术 stereo-cinematography;立体化学 stereochemistry; 立体画法 stereography; 立体几何(学) solid geometry; 立体交叉 grade separation; overpass; flyover crossing; flyover; fly-over junction; 立体交叉道桥 gallop bridge; fly-over; 立体结构 stereochemical structure; 立体解析几何 solid analytical geometry; 立体模型 stereomodel; space model; 立体派 cubism; 立体摄影 stereo; 立体摄影机 stereo camera; 立体摄影术 stereography; stereophotography; 立体摄影仪 stereometric camera; 立体投影 stereoprojection; 立体投影图 axonometric chart; 立体凸轮 solid cam; 立体图 free-space diagram; graphic model; space diagram; 立体图像 stereopicture; three-dimensional picture; anaglyph; 立体显微镜 stereomicroscope; stereoscopic microscope; 立体战争 three-dimensional warfare; triphibious warfare; 立体照片 stereo; stereochrome; stereograph; anaglyph; 立体照相 vectograph; 立体照相机 [光学] stereo camera; stereoscopic camera
        干扰:    disturb; obstruct; jam; backdrop; interference; beating; mush; tamper; trouble; lapse; brushing; molestation; disturbance; crossfire; obstacle; perturbation; upset; [电学] jamming; pick-up (邻近电路或电台的) 反干扰 counteract interference; 磁场干扰 magnetic disturbance; 相长[消] 干扰 [物理学] constructive [destructive] interference; 来自外国广播电台的干扰 interference from foreign broadcasting station; 它将严重干扰工作的进展。 it will seriously interfere with the progress of the work. 许多学生发生这种错误是由于母语的干扰。 many students' error occurs because of mother-tongue interference
        成体干细胞:    adult stem cell
        固体干焦岩:    solid pyroxeres
        固体干燥剂:    solid drier
        菌体干重:    dcw


  1. "立体幅度"英文
  2. "立体浮雕"英文
  3. "立体复照"英文
  4. "立体附加镜"英文
  5. "立体改变"英文
  6. "立体感"英文
  7. "立体感测量器"英文
  8. "立体感的"英文
  9. "立体感灯光"英文
  10. "立体感光灯"英文


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