窥: peep; spy阴: yin,the feminine or negative ...癖: addiction; weakness for窥视狂 窥阴癖: voyeurism窥阴癖者: voyeurism窥阴症: voyeurism露阴癖: exhibitionism双头窥阴器: double vaginal eculum; double vaginal speculum喜好窥阴的: voyeuristic强迫性露阴癖: compulsive exhibitionism症状性露阴癖: symptomatic exhibitionism窥一斑可知全豹: by spying a spot, the whole leopard may be inferred.; we may divine the whole from a part.; from the foot we may judge of hercules窥咽器: pharyngeal eculum; pharyngeal speculum; pharyngoscope窥凶杀人: disturbia窥心术师,口令: legilimens