突然: sudden; abrupt; unexpected; ...离开: leave; depart from; deviate ...话题: subject of conversation逃走;突然离开: make off突然离开: break away; flounce out突然离开, 死掉: hop the stick突然离开, 逃走, 越狱: fly the coop突然离开, 脱离, 放弃: break away突然离开;逃跑,脱身: break away突然离开,强行逃脱: break away (from)书记突然离开会议室: the secretary abruptly left the conference room突然离开某人, 遗弃某人: walk out on sb岔开话题: turn aside from the topic under discussion打开话题: ice breakers如何打开话题: good afternoon madam. something for you突然离地: boot strap liftoff突然离去: flounce; pooff; vamose突然离题: fly off at a tangent愤然离开: shake the dust off one's feet死去, 躲开债主, 突然离去: hop the twig忽然离开,强行逃脱: break away (from)突然从一话题跃到另一话题: jumfrom… to话题: subject of a talk; topic of conversation 转话题 change the subject打开话匣子: start a conversation; plunge into one's spiel; turn on the gas 他们吹熄了灯, 就打开了话匣子了。 they blew out the lamp and began to talk突然: sudden; abrupt; unexpected; suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly 突然失败 come a cropper; 突然离开话题 go [fly] off at a tangent; go off on a tangent; 突然停止 suddenly stop; 这消息实在太突然了。 this news is really much too sudden; 下午天突然下雨了。 in the afternoon it rained suddenly. 如果他今晚突然出现, 我并不感到惊讶。 i shouldn't be surprised if he cropped up this evening.; 突然爆发 flare; flare-up; 突然冲击 jab; 突然事件 emergency; 突然停机 drop-dead halt; 突然停止 check; balking; 突然停住 crash stop; 突然袭击 surprise attack; 突然性 emergentness; 突然转弯 pitchout