突变: sudden change; change sudden ...装置: installation; device; appara ...磁聚变装置: magnetic fusion device核聚变装置: nuclear fusion device交变装置: inter com聚变装置: fusion facility; fusionfacility抗瞬变装置: transient protector可变装置: variset蠕变装置: creeping device同步变装置: synchromesh type transmission波形改变装置: wave modifier倒反参变装置: inverting parametric device激光聚变装置: laser fusion facility模拟应变装置: simulating strain device萤光衰变装置: fluorescence decay system变装: cross-dressing; disguise侧滑角改变装置: yawing mechanism动态标准应变装置: dynamic standard strain device静态标准应变装置: static standard strain device; static stiffness of the moving element suspension离子束聚变装置: ion beam fusion device磁镜型实验用核聚变装置: experimental fusion device of magnetic mirror type劳伦斯辐射研究所的核聚变装置: fusion device at lawrence radiation laboratory突变: 1.(突然急剧的变化) sudden change; change suddenly; transilience; accident; saltation; revulsion; idiovaviation; jump; abrupt change 认识过程中的突变 a sudden change in the process of cognition; 天气突变。 there was a sudden change in the weather.2.[生物学] mutation 自发突变 spontaneous mutation; 突变体 mutant 变装大师: the master of disguise变装姐妹花: connie and carla