- air commander-in-chief
- air forces commander-in-chief
- commander general of the air force
- commander in chief air force
- commander-in-chief air force
- commander-in-chief of air force
- commander-in-chief of the air force
- general commander of the air force
- 空军: air force; air service
- 总司令: commander in chief
- 海军总司令: admiral; commander general of the navy; commander-in-chief navy; commander-in-chief of navy; commander-in-chief of the navy; general commander of the navy; navy commander-in-chief
- 陆军总司令: army commander in chief; army commander-in-chief; commander general of the army; commander-in-chief army; commander-in-chief of the army; commander-in-chief of the ground forces; general commander of the army
- 盟军总司令: supreme commander for the allied powers