空中: in the sky; in the air; aeri ...敌手: match; opponent; adversary空中敌人: aerial attacker; aerial enemy假想空中敌人: mock air aggressor搜索空中敌人: probe the air; search the air肃清空中敌机: clear the air of enemy aircraft封锁空中敌人航路: block an air attack开始搜索空中敌人: go on the air可能的空中敌人: potential air attacker停止搜索空中敌人: go off the air敌手: 1.(对手) match; opponent; adversary 拳击赛上遇着敌手 meet one's match in the boxing match; 他面临一个强有力的敌手 he had a worthy opponent.2.(敌人的掌握) enemy hands 落入敌手 fall into enemy hands潜在的空中敌人行动: potential air action限制空中敌人的行动: denial of the air敌手,对手: opponent对手,敌手: opponent逢敌手: looking for mister perfect无敌手: u-no-poo舟中敌国: all the men in the boat turned to be enemies.; be opposed and deserted by one's followers敌手,对抗者: antagonist对手,敌手;对抗者: opponent沦于敌手: fall into the enemy's hands落入敌手: fall into the hands of the enemy棋逢敌手: a chess player meets his match.; be well-matched in a contest; diamond cuts diamond.; find [meet] one's match; meet a powerful opponent; meet one's match in a chess tournament; meet with one's equal; when greek meets greek, then comes the tug of war奇逢敌手: finding mr perfect; kei fung dik sau; looking for mr perfect; qi feng di shou; waiting for misterperfect情逢敌手: man trouble