- shui-yuan cheng
- 程: rule; regulation
- 水源: headwaters; waterhead
- 水源: 1.(河流发源的地方) headwaters; waterhead 黄河的水源 the headwaters of the huanghe river2.(水的来源) source of water 寻找水源 seek new sources of water; 水源保护 water resource protection; 水源补给 water recharging; 水源涵养林 forest for conservation of water supply; 水源开发 water resources development; 水源勘探 water source prospecting; 水源卫生 sanitation of water sources; 水源问题 water resources problem
- 程水凤: cheng shuifeng
- 低扬程水泵: low lift pump; low-lift pump